
Gentle reader:

Rarely, you might have doubts about whether or not

     You matter.

Sometimes, you think all of this trouble is because of you, and may wonder if 

     You are worth it.

At times, you hurt,  and you may wonder if 

     Your feelings count.

Often, your thoughts seem crazy or weird or silly or scary and you may not be sure that 

     Your opinion matters. 

So let me tell you, and bend close, not so I can whisper to you, but so that I can feel the warmth radiating from your core.

You matter to me.

You are worth it.

Your feelings count.

Your opinion matters.

Your ideas are awesome.

I will do anything to help you.

Talk to me about what is going on.

I want to hear what you are going through.  

I may not be able to help, but I want to know how you feel.

We face obstacles, but we can't give up.

I care about you and I won't stop.

Whatever you are going through right now isn't permanent, it's temporary and while it may seem like it is endless, it will end.  

But we can't stop.

You can't stop.

I love you.

You matter.


No matter what.


I just wanted to tell you that. 

Thank you for being you.
